Results for 'Jeremy D. Blaschke'

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  1.  18
    Parasite soup: Faith and science in the history of parasitology.Jeremy D. Blaschke - 2022 - Zygon 57 (2):344-367.
    Zygon®, Volume 57, Issue 2, Page 344-367, June 2022.
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    Victim and Culprit? The Effects of Entitlement and Felt Accountability on Perceptions of Abusive Supervision and Perpetration of Workplace Bullying.Jeremy D. Mackey, Jeremy R. Brees, Charn P. McAllister, Michelle L. Zorn, Mark J. Martinko & Paul Harvey - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (3):659-673.
    Although workplace bullying is common and has universally harmful effects on employees’ outcomes, little is known about workplace bullies. To address this gap in knowledge, we draw from the tenets of social exchange and displaced aggression theories in order to develop and test a model of workplace bullying that incorporates the effects of employees’ individual differences, perceptions of their work environments, and perceptions of supervisory treatment on their tendencies to bully coworkers. The results of mediated moderation analyses that examine responses (...)
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    You Abuse and I Criticize: An Ego Depletion and Leader–Member Exchange Examination of Abusive Supervision and Destructive Voice.Jeremy D. Mackey, Lei Huang & Wei He - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (3):579-591.
    We draw from ego depletion and leader–member exchange theories to provide nuanced insight into why abusive supervision is indirectly associated with supervisor-directed destructive voice. A multi-wave, multi-source field study demonstrates evidence that abusive supervision has a positive conditional indirect effect on supervisor-directed destructive voice through subordinates’ relational ego depletion with their supervisors that is stronger for higher LMX differentiation contexts than lower LMX differentiation contexts. We make novel theoretical, empirical, and practical contributions by providing a parsimonious explanation for why relational (...)
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    Early Life Stress and the Fate of Kynurenine Pathway Metabolites.Jeremy D. Coplan, Roza George, Shariful A. Syed, Annalam V. Rozenboym, Jean E. Tang, Sasha L. Fulton & Tarique D. Perera - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Early life stress precedes alterations to neuro-immune activation, which may mediate an increased risk for stress-related psychiatric disorders, potentially through alterations of central kynurenine pathway metabolites, the latter being relatively unexplored. We hypothesized that ELS in a non-human primate model would lead to a reduction of neuroprotective and increases of neurotoxic KP metabolites. Twelve adult female bonnet macaques reared under conditions of maternal variable foraging demand were compared to 27 age- and weight-matched non-VFD-exposed female controls. Baseline behavioral observations of social (...)
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    Insubordination: Validation of a Measure and an Examination of Insubordinate Responses to Unethical Supervisory Treatment.Jeremy D. Mackey, Charn P. McAllister & Katherine C. Alexander - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (4):755-775.
    Research that examines unethical interpersonal treatment has received a great deal of attention from scholars and practitioners in recent years due to the remarkable impact of mistreatment in the workplace. However, the literature is incomplete because we have an inadequate understanding of insubordination, which we define as “subordinates’ disobedient behaviors that intentionally exhibit a defiant refusal of their supervisors’ authority.” In our study, we integrate social exchange theory and the advantageous comparison component of moral disengagement within the integrative model of (...)
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  6. Method, Order, and Analogy in Trinitarian Theology. Karl Rahner's Critique of the „Psychological” Approach.Jeremy D. Wilkins - 2010 - The Thomist 74 (4):563-592.
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    Condorcet studies I.Jeremy D. Popkin - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (3):414-416.
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    Rewriting the French revolution.Jeremy D. Popkin - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (1):109-110.
  9.  26
    Who Is Jesus of Nazareth? Insights from Lonergan’s Christology.Jeremy D. Wilkins - 2015 - The Lonergan Review 6 (1):51-78.
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    A study of Frege.Jeremy D. B. Walker - 1965 - Ithaca,: Cornell University Press.
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    Political Responsibility in Time of Civil War.Jeremy D. Wilkins - 2020 - The Lonergan Review 11:13-35.
    In this article I propose to do five things. First, I describe the present confusion disturbing the tranquility of the American polity. Next, I hypothesize that an important source of civil confusion is that American civildiscourse is generally conducted in two different moral languages. Neither of these is adequate to the reality of the human good, and their speakers are, perhaps increasingly, given to misunderstanding one another. Third, I propose some reasons why not only misunderstanding but even outright hostility seems (...)
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    What ‘Will’ Won't Do: Faculty Psychology, Intentionality Analysis, and the Metaphysics of Interiority.Jeremy D. Wilkins - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (3):473-491.
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    A Dialectic of “Thomist” Realisms.Jeremy D. Wilkins - 2004 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 78 (1):107-130.
    John F. X. Knasas has issued a series of philosophical and exegetical critiques of what he presents as the Cartesian subjectivism of “transcendental Thomism” in general and Bernard Lonergan in particular. But Professor Knasas’s spontaneous assumptions about knowing, objectivity, and reality are those of Descartes and Kant, not St. Thomas. He thus misinterprets St. Thomas and Fr. Lonergan and misconstrues the nature of knowing. The roots of the differences between Professor Knasas and Fr. Lonergan are exposed by contrasting two radically (...)
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  14.  15
    La notion de Bildung entre deux pôles : Kant et Schiller.Jeremy D. Hovda - 2022 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 52:97-115.
    Cet article examine les enjeux des théories de la Bildung chez Kant et Schiller, et leur confrontation mutuelle avec la philosophie de l’autre. On propose une voie interprétative médiane qui ne part pas de l’opposition trop réductrice entre la morale et l’esthétique, ni ne lit Schiller comme étant foncièrement opposé à Kant pour des raisons soit morales, soit éducatives, mais situe plutôt la principale contribution de Schiller dans la sphère de la moralisation. Cette approche éclaire plus adéquatement la manière dont (...)
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  15.  10
    Conservatism under Napoleon: The political writings of Joseph Fiévée.Jeremy D. Popkin - 1984 - History of European Ideas 5 (4):385-400.
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    Grace in the Third Stage of Meaning.Jeremy D. Wilkins - 2010 - Lonergan Workshop 24:443-467.
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    Dysmetria of thought: Correlations and conundrums in the relationship between the cerebellum, learning, and cognitive processing.Jeremy D. Schmahmann - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):472-473.
  18. If “Denial of Death” Is a Problem, Then “Reverence for Life” Is a Meaningful Answer: Ernest Becker's Significance for Applied Animal and Environmental Ethics.Jeremy D. Yunt - 2024 - Journal of Animal Ethics 14 (1):9-25.
    The theories of cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker arise from an existential and psychological analysis of the death terror/anxiety deep in the unconscious of every human. Becker details how this anxiety governs the ideologies and behaviors of our species—something now confirmed by thousands of experiments performed by psychologists engaged in contemporary terror management theory (TMT). Humans manage their anxiety through what Becker terms “hero systems”—concepts, beliefs, and myths we create to give us a sense of significance and meaning during, and even (...)
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    Enlightenment and conservatism in the Dutch Republic. The political thought of Elie Luzac.Jeremy D. Popkin - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (5):840-841.
  20.  21
    The directory and the republican press: The case of the Ami des Lois.Jeremy D. Popkin - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (4):429-442.
  21.  12
    Whitehead and Continental Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century: Dislocations.Jeremy D. Fackenthal (ed.) - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores how thinking with Alfred North Whitehead and various continental philosophers can advance ideas about sustainability and civilization writ large. Contributors employ Whitehead and one or more continental thinkers around a given topic, whether philosophical or social, to produce the dislocations necessary for generating new ideas.
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  22. Richard Popkin and his history of scepticism.Jeremy D. Popkin - 2009 - In Maia Neto, José Raimundo, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen (eds.), Skepticism in the modern age: building on the work of Richard Popkin. Boston: Brill.
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    Statements and Performatives.Jeremy D. B. Walker - 1969 - American Philosophical Quarterly 6 (3):217 - 225.
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    Some Amendments to McTaggart’s Theory of Selves.Jeremy D. B. Walker - 1982 - Idealistic Studies 12 (3):242-250.
    In this paper, I shall discuss some claims about selves McTaggart makes in The Nature of Existence.
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    Back from the grave: Marc Fumaroli's Chateaubriand.Jeremy D. Popkin - 2005 - Modern Intellectual History 2 (3):419-431.
  26.  37
    Lonergan’s Isomorphism of Knowing and Being.Jeremy D. Wilkins - 2019 - International Philosophical Quarterly 59 (1):77-91.
    Gaven Kerr argues that Lonergan is a metaphysical realist but follows an inherently idealist method. Furthermore, Kerr claims, Lonergan’s isomorphism of cognitional and ontological elements does not hold, because ontological act is not parallel to cognitional judgment. In so arguing, however, Kerr conflates ontological act with efficient causality, misunderstands the nature of the parallel asserted by Lonergan’s isomorphism, and involves himself in a priori speculation about the implications of Lonergan’s method. An efficient cause is an extrinsic principle, whereas “act” names (...)
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    The Fragility of Conversation: Consciousness and Self‐Understanding in Post/Modern Culture.Jeremy D. Wilkins - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (5):832-847.
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    Incivility’s Relationship with Workplace Outcomes: Enactment as a Boundary Condition in Two Samples.Jeremy D. Mackey, John D. Bishoff, Shanna R. Daniels, Wayne A. Hochwarter & Gerald R. Ferris - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):513-528.
    The current two-sample investigation explores the role of enactment as a boundary condition in the relationship between experienced incivility and workplace outcomes. We integrate the tenets of the transactional model of stress and sensemaking theory to explain why enactment is a psychological sensemaking capability that can neutralize the adverse effects of experienced incivility on workplace outcomes. The results across two samples of data supported the study hypotheses by demonstrating that experienced incivility had stronger adverse effects on employees’ job satisfaction, OCBs, (...)
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  29.  42
    Evangelical Identity and QAnon.Jeremy D. Beauchamp - 2022 - Journal of Religion and Violence 10 (1):17-36.
    The presidency of Donald Trump saw the rise of a new kind of conspiracy in QAnon. The internet-assembled meta-conspiracy has grown to include elements of other growing conspiracies such as the anti-mask movement and anti-vaxxers. As it has grown, QAnon has attracted significant support for its beliefs from white evangelicals who also supported Trump in huge numbers in both 2016 and 2020. In this integrative review of literature, I explore the reasons that QAnon has performed so well so quickly, finding (...)
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  30.  9
    On Metaphysical Equivalence and Equivocation.Jeremy D. Wilkins - 2018 - Method 32 (2):75-99.
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    Testing If Primal World Beliefs Reflect Experiences—Or at Least Some Experiences Identified ad hoc.Jeremy D. W. Clifton - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Traduce Not the Inner Word.Jeremy D. Wilkins - 2014 - Method 28 (2):87-107.
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    Populism and Presidential Representation.Jeremy D. Bailey - 2019 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 31 (3-4):267-277.
    ABSTRACT Populism raises questions about the extent to which public opinion should be a legitimate foundation for executive power. In the United States, it is often thought, such a foundation was established at the beginning of the twentieth century through the creation of a newly “representative” modern presidency. This new presidency, it is held, acts as an agent of populist majorities to undermine constitutional and legal norms. In fact, however, the argument for presidential representation is a long-standing element of politics (...)
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    Review: Sergei N. Artemov, Explicit Provability and Constructive Semantics. [REVIEW]Jeremy D. Avigad - 2002 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8 (3):432-433.
  35.  41
    Does it take two to Tangle? Subordinates’ Perceptions of and Reactions to Abusive Supervision.Gang Wang, Peter D. Harms & Jeremy D. Mackey - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (2):487-503.
    Research on abusive supervision is imbalanced in two ways. First, with most research attention focused on the destructive consequences of abusive supervision, there has been relatively little work on subordinate-related predictors of perceptions of abusive supervision. Second, with most research on abusive supervision centered on its main effects and the moderating effects of supervisor-related factors, there is little understanding of how subordinate factors can moderate the main effects of perceptions of abusive supervision on workplace outcomes. The current study aims to (...)
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    Book Review: John Adams and the Fear of American Oligarchy, by Luke Mayville. [REVIEW]Jeremy D. Bailey - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (6):1004-1008.
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Jeremy D. Bendik‐Keymer, Thom Brooks, Daniel B. Cohen, Michael Davis, Sara Goering, Barbara V. Nunn, Michael J. Stephens, James C. Taggart, Roy T. Tsao & Lori Watson - 2003 - Ethics 113 (2):456-462.
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    Alternative task construals, computational escape hatches, and dual-system theories of reasoning.Linden J. Ball & Jeremy D. Quayle - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):667-668.
    Stanovich & West's dual-system represents a major development in an understanding of reasoning and rationality. Their notion of System 1 functioning as a computational escape hatch during the processing of complex tasks may deserve a more central role in explanations of reasoning performance. We describe examples of apparent escape-hatch processing from the reasoning and judgement literature.
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  39. Journal of Animal Ethics. [REVIEW]Jeremy D. Yunt - 2020 - Journal of Animal Ethics 10 (1):93-96.
    A review of Abbey-Anne Smith's book "Animals in Tillich's Philosophical Theology.".
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    Exploring Self-Paced Embodiable Neurofeedback for Post-stroke Motor Rehabilitation.Nadine Spychala, Stefan Debener, Edith Bongartz, Helge H. O. Müller, Jeremy D. Thorne, Alexandra Philipsen & Niclas Braun - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Butler on Whitehead: On the Occasion.Jeffrey A. Bell, Vikki Bell, Judith Butler, Daniel A. Dombrowski, Jeremy D. Fackenthal, Kirsten M. Gerdes, Sigridur Guðmarsdóttir, Catherine Keller, Matthew S. LoPresti, Astrid Lorange, Randy Ramal & Alan Van Wyk (eds.) - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    Considered together, Butler and Whitehead draw from a wide palette of disciplines to develop distinctive theories of becoming, of syntactical violence, and creative opportunities of limitation. The contributors of this volume offer a unique contribution to and for the humanities in the struggles of politics, economy, ecology, and the arts.
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    Experimenter Characteristics and Word Choice: Best Practices When Administering an Informed Consent.John E. Edlund, Jessica L. Hartnett, Jeremy D. Heider, Emmanuel J. Perez & Jessica Lusk - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (5):397-407.
    The present research seeks to better understand research conditions in laboratory research, with special attention paid to the informed consent process and experimenter characteristics. The first study tested the impact of language perspective and experimenter demeanor upon participant retention of the informed consent information, attitudes toward the research project, and performance on experimental tasks. The second study examined the impact of experimenter attire. Across the two studies, our results suggest that there was no impact of language perspective, whereas the number (...)
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    Orphans of the Enlightenment, or, in the Wake of Francois FuretComment Sortir de la Terreur.The Kiss of Lamourette.Les Origines Culturelles de la Revolution Francaise.Naissance du Journal Revolutionnaire."Mere Words," The Journal of Modern History, June 1991.Revolutionary News: The Press in France 1789-1799. [REVIEW]Patrice Higonnet, Bronislaw Baczko, Robert Darnton, Roger Chartier, Claude Labrosse, Pierre Retat, Dorinda Outram & Jeremy D. Popkin - 1991 - Journal of the History of Ideas 52 (4):685.
    Comment Sortir de la Terreur. by Bronislaw Baczko The Kiss of Lamourette. by Robert Darnton Les Origines Culturelles de la Revolution Francaise. by Roger Chartier Naissance du Journal Revolutionnaire. by Claude Labrosse; Pierre Retat "Mere Words," The Journal of Modern History, June 1991. by Dorinda Outram Revolutionary News: The Press in France 1789-1799. by Jeremy D. Popkin.
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    What We Do When We Resuscitate Extremely Preterm Infants.Jeremy R. Garrett, Brian S. Carter & John D. Lantos - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (8):1-3.
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    Our Next Pandemic Ethics Challenge? Allocating “Normal” Health Care Services.Jeremy R. Garrett, Leslie Ann McNolty, Ian D. Wolfe & John D. Lantos - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):79-80.
    The pandemic creates unprecedented challenges to society and to health care systems around the world. Like all crises, these provide a unique opportunity to rethink the fundamental limiting assumptions and institutional inertia of our established systems. These inertial assumptions have obscured deeply rooted problems in health care and deflected attempts to address them. As hospitals begin to welcome all patients back, they should resist the temptation to go back to business as usual. Instead, they should retain the more deliberative, explicit, (...)
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    Patient Autonomy and the Twenty-First Century Physician.Jeremy R. Garrett & John D. Lantos - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (5):3-3.
    In this issue of the Report, Daniel Groll suggests new ways to understand old tensions between autonomy and paternalism. He categorizes disagreements between doctors and patients in four ways. Some are about the ends or goals of medical treatment. For these, he claims, patient choices are based upon patient values, and physicians should neither challenge nor assess them. More common are disagreements about the appropriate means to achieve an agreed-upon goal. These subdivide into two distinct categories—those in which the relative (...)
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Patrick D. Lynch, Dan Landis, Ronald Schwartz, William B. Moody, Daniel P. Keating, E. S. Marlow Iii, Allen H. Kuntz, Thomas M. Sherman, Virginia M. Macagnoni, Noele Krenkel, Joseph E. Schmeidicke, Jeremy D. Finn, Gaea Leinhardt & Phyllis A. Katz - unknown
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    The Open University Opens.D. J. Johnston & Jeremy Tunstall - 1974 - British Journal of Educational Studies 22 (2):236.
  49.  59
    Book Notes. [REVIEW]by Scott A. Anderson, Jeremy D. Bendik‐Keymer, Samuel Black, Chad M. Cyrenne, Bart Gruzalski, Mark P. Jenkins, John Morrow, Michael A. Neblo, Tommie Shelby & James Stacey Taylor - 2002 - Ethics 112 (2):421-427.
  50.  86
    A bird's eye view: biological categorization and reasoning within and across cultures.Jeremy N. Bailenson, Michael S. Shum, Scott Atran, Douglas L. Medin & John D. Coley - 2002 - Cognition 84 (1):1-53.
    Many psychological studies of categorization and reasoning use undergraduates to make claims about human conceptualization. Generalizability of findings to other populations is often assumed but rarely tested. Even when comparative studies are conducted, it may be challenging to interpret differences. As a partial remedy, in the present studies we adopt a 'triangulation strategy' to evaluate the ways expertise and culturally different belief systems can lead to different ways of conceptualizing the biological world. We use three groups (US bird experts, US (...)
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